Amazingly we have had no snow since I posted last, sometime before Christmas. Had I know then, that one morning at the lake was going to be my only chance at the white stuff....
I'd have worked that scene for a lot longer than I did!
So, in an attempt to make the most of a snowless winter, I have decided to embrace this non-traditional winter shooting. All shooting has been local the last couple of months, but it has been a good opportunity to increase my hometown coverage.
Although I might be able to pass these off as a different season, they do seem to have a different look to them.
Maybe it's the simple fact that there isn't much lake traffic this time of year, or tourists to contend with,
because these shoots have really felt as
quiet and tranquil as the images look.
I am pleased to announce I will soon be represented by a downtown gallery.
A selection of framed prints will be available around the 1st of April.
The gallery has specifically requested that I supply them with identifiable local art landscapes.
I am happy to report my new, completely designed by me,
website is up and running, (OK it's a template)
Still... I did a lot of work on it. My son is transferring colleges soon and will no longer be able to do updates for me.
It will be good, as I can now update whenever I want.
If you haven't seen it yet, it is here.
With the launch of my website, there are some new products like mousepads and a photo collage of Beautiful North Idaho Scenics.
I realize this will have a limited appeal,
but it looks beautiful in a black frame and would be
great in an office or waiting room.

I am now booking for 2011 senior photos.
If you know a 2011 senior in the greater CD'A area,
who would prefer outdoor, natural light photography...
I am pleased to announce my new
If you are involved with a charity or a local business with a lobby type area, please read about this new offering.
Together I hope we can help out.
I recently delivered new art brochures to the Coeurd'Alene Visitor Center.
If you've never stopped in, you should check out this beautiful new building.
While your there, pick up a copy of the 2010 Business Directory featuring a photo gallery exclusively by me.
Here is some of the only snow I've found over the last two months.
Near the top of Fourth of July Pass.
I'm not I realize many parts of the country are currently crippled by the stuff. We had record setting snowfall last year. I just miss it a little....and of course this is the year
I finally got snowshoes.

Well I am excited to make a leisurely, albeit brief trip to the Boise area with a night in the McCall area both coming and going. I am delivering my youngest son to the State Capitol to serve for six weeks as a page to the State Legislature.
Hoping for anything but rain!
Don't forget~~~20 % off prints purchased through my archives. Use coupon code FEB20 through the end of the month!
It will work on any gallery, but if you make your selection from the image of the month gallery...That's some significant savings!
It will work on any gallery, but if you make your selection from the image of the month gallery...That's some significant savings!
In support of Fair trade photography- I am providing the following link to a great blog by Chris Barton- at his request to spread the word. Any photographers reading vary aware of these attempts to get free image content by parties who wish to claim all rights to your photography.
Photographers must band together to save our industry from the downward spiral of ever cheapening licensing models or before we know one will pay for quality images. Just say NO to microstock, offers of publicity in exchange for content, and rights grabbing thieves!