I haven't done as much shooting this last half of the summer as I would have liked, but I have been "minding the store" so to speak and have some exciting things happening.
A book publisher has selected a large number of my images for use in a local interest book, and my largest art installation to date, is being hung in the near future. Here are two of the largest pieces.
I wouldn't mind a little feedback on this river rock image. It's probably one of those "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" type of shots. I found it intriguing..in fact I made a set of three images. (I probably just waited so long on the riverbank while Ted was fishing, that the weeds started looking artistic)
Let me know what you think...good or bad.
Ted and I managed to get away for a weekend in Glacier National Park for which we had some beautiful weather. Not particularly the type of weather I like for photography...so I tried to be a tourist. But still...how could anyone go to Glacier and not get some nice shots.
I wish I could have been at Saint Marys Lake at sunrise, but we were camped on the opposite side of the park, so we bought a annual pass and will plan on that for next year.
Our campground was great though..
near beautiful waterfalls
and trails.

We went out for some waterfalls twice this month...once up the Coeur d'Alene River, and again to Bonners Ferry.
While I've never found waterfall shots to be in high demand...they remain one of my favorite things to shoot.
I'ts been killing me to miss all these great sunsets lately, but I did get out for a few....these on the Rathdrum Prairie,
I'ts been killing me to miss all these great sunsets lately, but I did get out for a few....these on the Rathdrum Prairie,
and these on Lakes Coeur d'Alene...
and Pend Oreille..
The family spent one night way up the St. Joe River, so far in fact... we returned home through the Bitterroots by going over Gold Summit and into Montana.
This shot of the river is a five second exposure with a 4-stop Neutral density filter...to allow for some movement in the water.
The guys picked berries on Gold Summit and I photographed them.
(the berries)
We spent another day looping Lake Pend Oreille.
Ted caved to my whining one moody afternoon
and went with me to Wolf Lodge Bay.
I wasn't planning on getting wet...but I had to for this shot.
It seems I post to facebook quicker than anywhere...If you'd like to follow me on facebook, click here:
If you happen to be flying the West Coast skies this September. Check your in-flight magazine for this image.
I will give away a 2010 calendar to the first person who can find it for me.
(The agency that sold it does not disclose client information...and I have had no luck finding it.)
Sold for Aug.-Sept. periodical.
West Coast USA
Travel/Airline industry
Spot (small)
2 million (print run)
I am looking forward to fall, and hope to get out camping one last time this year in the autumn colors.
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